DeepSix Ventures

“Water covers 70% of the Earth, but we’ve explored less than 5% of the seabed.”The ocean is vastly important to all life on earth, yet there is still much about it is murky depths which we do not know. It’s often said that we know more about the surface of the moon than the seafloor. At DeepSix we aim to empower more people than ever before to explore deep sea environments. Our newly developed system utilizes a unique combination of submersible and autonomous buoy which makes exploring at depth safe, easy and effective. Together we can all become inner-space explorers.

Traditionally exploring the ocean depths beyond the reach of a scuba diver is an intensive process. A conventional ROV (remotely operated vehicles) requires a large vessel for support and to deploy it offshore. The ship supplies high voltage power down the tether to the ROV. The tether must be thick in order to efficiently carry the high voltage and so the ROV must be large as well so that it can pull the tether. This means that more often than not ROVs are large and expensive machines which require a lot of support equipment and personnel. Manned submersibles and saturation diving carry many of the same requirements.

Differing from ROV’s, DeepSix provides anyone with the ability to explore the ocean at depths which are usually only accessible by large organizations with a sizeable budget. We designed DeepSix to be an accessible, effective, easy to use platform whether you’re exploring 1.5 m down or 1.5 km. Our system will bring greater access and versatility to existing individuals in the field, whilst encourage new members to take their first dives.

The DeepSix system is a remotely operated ocean exploration platform that allows people who want to, but until now have been unable to, explore deep sea environments. Differing from ROV’s, DeepSix provides anyone with the ability to explore the ocean at depths which are usually only accessible by large organizations with a sizeable budget.

Users can, with limited resources, quickly and easily deploy offshore. Marine researchers on limited budgets could have 10 DeepSix units for the price of a conventional ROV. Filmmaker’s, usually limited to leasing units for a short period of time are now able to own their own units. And the marine services industry has a new tool which can capably perform first on-site inspections before specialist equipments are brought in.