The Rise of the Internet & Web 3.0

Internet is this amazing intangible thing that enables the world to be connected, and with every additional user connecting to it, its value increases exponentially. As for the new user who just gained internet access, it’s like opening an ever-expanding encyclopedia and a phone directory that allows you to connect with almost anyone across the globe, all packed into a device the size of your palm.  The computing power you possess with this palm-sized device is multiple folds of what Apollo had when it embarked on its mission to send humans to the moon for the first time. It certainly sounds utopian to anyone who first hears about the internet and mobile computing, about the limitless possibilities this innovation can bring to mankind. It surely is, when the public first discovered the internet when the world wide web became mainstream, the euphoria kickstarted the dot com era, and a generation of new companies and business models were created that drastically improves our way of life.

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